Services to make you look better on and offline.
Learn more about our marketing services.
We’ve provided an overview below of some of the most popular media and marketing services that we offer.
Learn more below and get in touch!
Content Creation
Content creation is used not only to bolster your brand and create 'the message' but also to drive traffic. Important to note, is that all of our content is written in-house. This is a key factor when it comes to developing local content that speaks to your customers. Content creation is the most important component to marketing today. Regularly updated & optimized content makes your web property more valuable in today's hyper-paced market. Focusing on local makes sense, even if the goal is world domination. We don't make the rules when it comes to creating content, but we know how to play the game. And win.Website Design
Website design hasn't been a nice to have for over a decade. It's a need to have and that's being generous. Who will you trust to take your business where it needs to be online? We've been here since 2001.Logo + Branding
Logos and branding go hand in hand but are considerably far apart when it comes to deliverables. Your logo is not your brand. Branding shines in the details and is another part of marketing that begs for a consistent effort.Interactive + Animation
Animation and interactive pieces online can really help to bring your customers closer to connecting with your brand. If the experience is truly immersive and rich you'll also generate the viral factor that so many businesses crave for connecting and expanding your reach.Live Chat + Lead Gen
Live chat to text message is a great way to turn traffic into manageable leads. SYNCRO is our proprietary software that makes this easier than ever. It's not an app and it doesn't require a crash course in anything to learn how it works. SYNCRO is efficient lead gen for everyday.Real Estate Marketing
EstateVue is a comprehensive real estate software development company focused on Canadian REALTORS®, brokers and banners. We attain results for our RE customers because we combine technology with tried and true marketing experience.Software Development
Software development is often the intangible missing piece when it comes a website. Whether you use a software and need it to be compatible or you need to create software to make your business more efficient - there's always a place for a good developer.Collateral + Print
Print, collateral, packaging and all that other stuff. Complimentary marketing always has it's place in business. From business cards, stationary and the tried and true leave behind - print still isn't officially dead.Digital Marketing
Digital marketing today is about finding consistency for results. If you really want to make a dent you have to show reliability. Build confidence and show you have your customers' best interests in mind.Consulting + Reporting
Consulting and reporting is important to your ROI. Our digital marketing customers get both in our reporting feature. Regular reporting promotes transparency so you never have to wonder what's happening with your website each month. Learn who visits, how they get there and how much time they spend learning about you. Where they click, the pages that get their attention. All this data, allows you to dial in your marketing. As a result, you can expand your footprint and generate more traffic. Consistent connection with your marketing team is imperative to your success and your success is important to us.Domain Management
Domain registration is one of those things. It's the thing a lot of people seem to do on a whim and without much thought into how important a domain can become to your business in the future. On average a business lasts 16 years in Canada. Think about that number when you register your domain name. If you lost your domain in year 10 and lost all of the content that was associated with it, how would that impact your operations? We've seen it all when it comes to domain names. We. Have. Seen. It. All. Registering a domain with a professional company comes with it's benefits. Professional companies won't let your domain expire and get gobbled up by someone else. Lost domain credentials, ownership disputes/changes, they can all impact you when you least expect. Protect the time you invest into your website by having it managed by a reputable business & secure your investment now & down the road.Security + Maintenance
Security and Maintenance are two peas in a pod. Every year that goes by they become more complex and important. Security is important for everyone on the Internet. If you offer content or promote your business online then you should provide customers with the promise of a secure experience. One where their data won't be unknowingly sold and their devices won't be affected by malicious software. We offer monthly maintenance in addition to mandatory annual maintenance. Annual maintenance includes SSL purchasing and installation, SSL validation & verification for SEO integrity, firewall ruleset updates & implementation, browser console review, plugin updates, theme updates, WordPress Core updates, PHP+MySQL review & analysis. We also provide recommendations on improving the site. The annual maintenance review is critical to our safety online as much as yours.Marketing Kelowna Business Since 2001
We’ve seen a few things come and go as far as digital marketing in Kelowna has been concerned. New technology has replaced everything from humans to better robots. Old ways have become new again. When you got your start in the ’90s it means you’ve seen things. Things have been reinvented over and over from movies to ads. Sometimes it feels like the world is running out of ideas. Good thing we’re not. Get in touch to learn more about how Atomic 55 can help you with marketing in Kelowna.
Old is always new again.
Take the ads below. Can you tell which one was created earlier this year (2022) and which one was made in the ’70s? To say that designers borrow heavily from decades past is the understatement of a generation. I’ve often thought of how weird it must be for some seniors and older folks to see their fashion, ads, movies, and culture re-purposed and not even subtly repackaged to serve a new generation. In fact, I’m starting to get it more and more, especially with all the talk of low-rise jeans making a comeback. Visit us on FB because if we follow the pattern then that should be making a comeback soon too.