Software Development

Why should your business use software?

Software is maximum efficiency for most small businesses. Even as a Kelowna web design company, we use a combination of our own software combined with 3rd party applications to make our lives easier. Some tasks are redundant, some are very repetitive, and good software can generally fill in those gaps. It’s especially useful for businesses that don’t want to expand their labour force. Great software and a solid understanding of how it works can replace mistake-making, lazy, unmotivated, excuse-making employees in a heartbeat. Not that we’re saying all employees fit that description but we know that players will play and employees will F that dog every chance they get. Software helps to eliminate wasted time. 

All The Different Languages


ow many do you know? There have been many versions of code developed over the years. Iterations are the general premise of the Internet and why it's both frustrating and marvellous at the same time. The way to sniff out a good software developer is by looking further into how easily they can adapt. Building software is the ultimate problem solving challenge. The kids in class that could solve those word problems with numbers and letters - yeah, those are the programmers who are solving the complex real-world problems of today. It could also be argued that they're creating them, looking at you Zuck.

There's always more than one option.

So many software, programming, and business problems could benefit from more than one solution. Programming allows us to explore those paths. We’ve gotten really good at cutting out the noise and focusing on the micro because when you solve for the minutia you tend to tackle the macro.

Some languages that are popular for 2022 that you may or may not be familiar with –

JavaScript, PHP, mySQL, HTML, CSS, JSON, XML, noSQL, Rust, C, Perl and Go.

These languages power virtually every application that you use on the Internet today and are considered the core construct of every stack. These do not include the frameworks that allow developers like us to deploy starting points for application development.

Building software is not easy, nor is it cheap. 

Atomic 55 has built and deployed several software applications over our 20-year tenure as a development agency. We’ve been through patent processing with one of our applications. Many others have received technology grants and tax rebates.

One thing we all agree on is that software needs regular intervention. There is no such thing as set it and forget it when it comes to engineering something great.

Atomic 55 has been developing Internet based applications and software for over 21 years.

Our skill sets and processes have been finely honed over the years, and we know what pitfalls to watch out for. Scope-creep doesn't stand a chance because before we begin any of the heavy lifting we will have developed a plan that provides a solid blueprint for us to follow.

Typical Project LifeCycle

Life Cycle of Programming
Chat with me now! Chat with us now to learn more about how we can assist with your next software development project.