Jennifer Fuller

Want to look good? Hire me.

This is a short bio about something I do a lot of. Writing. I also, create brands, design logos, packaging, interiors, and generally make things look good. Like, you. I can even make you look good. Just ask.

Why you need an aging content writer.

I’m a content writer. I’ve been writing content for decades. Marketing, papers, headlines (click bait), press releases, paragraphs, complaint letters (really effective at that), and business proposals. My writing streak currently stands at 168 consecutive weeks—3.2 years—1176 days, and/or 28,224 hours, without missing a day, though I’ve been writing far longer than Grammarly has been catching my missing commas.

I knew I wanted to be a writer the moment I discovered journalism in high school. My first article for the school newspaper was an investigative exposé on ice-cold water fountains, and let’s just say I quickly realized I had a way with words. On top of that, I was a total bookworm, devouring Sweet Valley High like it was candy. Those YA books shaped my existence, for better or worse.

Nowadays, I spend most of my time writing blog content for marketing and SEO purposes. My monthly routine involves research, writing, editing, more editing, optimizing, posting, and then pairing it all with custom graphics. Rinse and repeat.

What I bring to the boardroom table as a content writer:

  1. Age
  2. Experience
  3. Insightful Vibe

Let’s start with age. I’m not one for labels, but if we’re going there, I’m Gen-X, perched right on the cusp of Millennial. Raised by Boomers and now raising Gen-Z kids myself. What does that mean for my clients? It means I can reminisce about 8-tracks, but I’m equally fluent in Spotify, TikTok, and whatever shiny new app is currently distracting us from reality. I can talk cassettes, CDs, MP3s, and both old and new vinyl. In short, I’ve lived through the evolution and kept up with the revolution.

It’s more than music, though—it’s about bridging generations, grasping cultural shifts, and knowing how to communicate with different age groups without sounding like a relic. As a result, I can adjust my tone whether it’s flipping a switch, a pivot, in real-time, or hitting refresh. 

Observations in sexism, sarcasm, and relevancy.

I’ve spent years quietly observing people, studying what makes them tick, and weaving that into my writing. Being a woman in tech for decades? Not exactly a cakewalk. The sexism alone could fill a book. But my persistence (and a hefty dose of sarcasm) has helped me stick around, and now my experience speaks for itself. 

Then there’s the vibe I bring to the table—sharp, tuned-in, and always with an eye on what’s happening. Style? I nailed mine down long ago, and it’s evolved to stay relevant. I’ve always been fascinated by pop culture, not so much for the celebrities, but for how we respond to them. From quoting Ferris Bueller to binge-watching (insert relevant network/series name), I understand how pop culture shapes our conversations and reflections across generations. It’s like a mirror reflecting society, and keeping my finger on that pulse helps keep my writing fresh, relatable, and maybe even a little cheeky. It also helps that I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom. Thanks, Amy. 

Need to know more about me? Get in touch!