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Fall Campaigns Start in Summer: Tips From a Marketing Agency Kelowna

Seasonal marketing campaigns are popular industry-wide. As the seasons shift, so do our company goals, product offerings and services. While some things may remain constant, seasonal marketing serves as a way to re-engage clientele. For many businesses the shift from summer to fall is slow. However, the faster you can transition your company into its fall marketing campaign, the better. At the end of the summer, it’s important to start taking into account what your fall business goals will be and how these will influence your marketing approach. 

Fall marketing is not just about staying relevant; it’s about rekindling the excitement and connection with your audience. It’s a chance to show that your brand is capable of evolving. So, as the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, start strategizing your fall campaign to make the most of the upcoming season. In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips as a marketing agency Kelowna for prepping a fall campaign. 

Start Early and Audit Your Company Bandwidth

If you are only to take away one bit of information from this article, let it be to start building your campaign early. Businesses who want to stay ahead of the game need to ensure that their transition from summer to fall is as seamless as possible. This proactive approach not only allows for thorough planning and creative ideation but also positions your brand to capitalize on seasonal trends. Early preparation sets the stage for a cohesive fall marketing campaign that resonates with your audience and drives results. 

When you start to plan your next seasonal campaign, make sure that it takes into account the bandwidth of your staff, website, and related tech. To successfully carry your campaign over the finish line you’ll need to ensure that you have the required infrastructure in place. Otherwise, your genius marketing ploy could quickly crumble if your website isn’t able to handle increased traffic or your employees don’t have the tools necessary to support customer inquiries. Doing a seasonal audit of your technology and staffing is always a good idea as you work toward unrolling a new marketing initiative.

When strategizing your marketing campaigns, it’s crucial to acknowledge that not all audiences are alike. Your customer base comprises a diverse spectrum, ranging from those unfamiliar with your brand to devoted enthusiasts. Tailoring your marketing efforts to cater to these varying segments ensures that you effectively engage both new prospects and loyal customers.

For newcomers, focus on creating intriguing marketing initiatives that introduce your brand’s unique value propositions and offerings. Simultaneously, nurture relationships with your existing customer base through targeted campaigns that acknowledge their support and loyalty. 

Plan Content in Advance and Leave Room For Spontaneity 

As you work toward building your fall campaign, be sure to plan and create content in advance of the start of your new initiatives. This content can be in the form of graphic templates, filler blog posts, or imagery that you intend to put out. Having these foundational elements in place will help you stick to your plan when things get busy and contribute to the overall unity of your media. Another perk to building content like this is that it leaves room for spontaneous messaging. 

In today’s marketing climate, you want to ensure that the content you are putting out is relevant to current events—be it local or global. While it’s good to stay true to your brand and its campaign goals, having that extra bit of flexibility to chime into cultural happenings is ideal. Not only does this let consumers know that your business is up with the latest trends, but it also shows a sense of awareness. 

Moreover, integrating current events into your marketing content can enhance engagement and visibility. When done thoughtfully, aligning your campaigns with timely topics or local events can spark conversations, generate buzz, and attract attention from a broader audience. We had a great example of this happen to us when marketing for McKinley Lavender Farm (MKL) during Starbucks’ release of its lavender drink menu

While assisting in their campaign for releasing a new lavender simple syrup, we noticed the buzz surrounding Starbucks’ new lavender-themed drinks. Recognizing the synergy between their lavender-focused products and Starbucks’ campaign, they were able to capitalize on this cultural moment. This was done by creating timely marketing content and promotions that highlighted the unique aspects of their lavender products, drawing parallels and contrasts with Starbucks’ offerings. 

Contact Our Marketing Agency Kelowna, Today!

Hiring an experienced marketing agency Kelowna to help you construct the perfect fall marketing campaign is a great way to stay ahead of the competition! To learn more about our marketing services, contact us today. Our team of experts would be happy to help you with all things related to branding and marketing. For more information about what we do, feel free to reach out to one of our team members. You can find the latest updates about us on our social media page, or check out our blog for related content. We look forward to working with you in the near future!