Case Study [Corporate]


E/MAX is one of the most widely recognized brands in the world. Real estate buyers and sellers frequently choose to work with RE/MAX for their global brand recognition and worldwide exposure. We've been fortunate to work with RE/MAX on various website properties over the past decade. Join RE/MAX is the latest real estate agent recruitment portal by the brand. It ties together a national campaign seen throughout TV, outdoor ads and online ads. Brokers are always looking for new agents to join their team and the brand wanted to highlight the fantastic benefits that come along with making the switch. We worked closely with the marketing team out of Denver to mimic the US website with Canadian-centric assets. Recently a new dynamic blog section was added to highlight even more reasons to join this global juggernaut. The result is a custom website feel that matches the global brand guidelines and provides visitors with a seamless experience. Brokers are aligned with potential recruits through a sophisticated lead routing system. Leads are generated online and sent directly to the brokerage where the lead has expressed interest.


One to Many Relationship


E/MAX required a custom website for all Canadian brokerages under their umbrella to serve as a marketing tool for recruitment. Atomic 55 built a custom portal that ties into Max Centre, dynamically pulling all data points for each brokerage page before it is systematically built when the page loads. This allows for a customized experience that is tailored to the information specific to each brokerage without having to create a whole new stand alone website for each office. This solution reduces cost, and provides a flexible tool to manage each sub website while not affecting the sub corporate systems that underpin the data from Max Centre.

Routing and Input


n order to ensure that contact requests were routed to the correct parties through all channels of contact, we developed a sophisticated mechanism that routes the correct contact information to each brokerage after being contacted via their unique branded URL. Additionally, we needed to cover all channels of communication, including SMS, live chat and standard contact form input which is typically sent via email. Our aim was to ensure that all campaigns were monitored and managed via the admin of the website. Custom lead generation funnels, SYNCRO live chat and other unique points of data capture have been engineered to maximize lead capture, and ensure a smooth experience for all end users.


YNCRO is used in the Join RE/MAX portal to engage with leads in real time and capture their immediate interest. Live chat is proven to work best when the operator is responsive. The conversion rate is extremely high when a live operator (not a bot) engages with the user in real time. Questions are answered, misconceptions cleared, and more hooks are developed because the operator is building trust with the customer on the other end. This very simple, yet very effective lead generation tool works wonders for responsive real estate agents and brokers who make themselves available. With the help of scheduling, auto-responders and agent on duty rotations this custom live chat tool for real estate is holding it's own in a national lead generation website for the biggest brand in real estate today!

Through the course of the campaign and the implementation of the Join RE/MAX recruiting system we have sent thousands of leads through to corporate, and individual brokers.

Service Level [Managed]


tomic 55 oversees and maintains the Join RE/MAX portal. This includes monitoring leads, technology and infrastructure. We frequently create graphic assets, and perform complex software and programming updates in order to develop, promote and seamlessly connect the user experience for this globally recognized brand name.